A Brief Meditation on Mediated Reality

“What is real? How do you define ‘real’? If you’re talking about what you can feel, what you can smell, what you can taste and see, then ‘real’ is simply electrical signals interpreted by your brain.” Morpheus (and Immanuel Kant for that matter) didn’t need the Apple Vision Pro to change their views about theContinue reading “A Brief Meditation on Mediated Reality”

The (Real) Secret to Success

I’ve never dwelled on the notion of success. It’s far too subjective, too egotistical, too personal, and often too random. For some, winning awards or making a lot of money or being promoted is success; for others it’s getting out of bed and taking a shower. For me, success exists somewhere between ‘didn’t get firedContinue reading “The (Real) Secret to Success”

Turning to Face Your Immortality

I’VE ONLY REALLY FEARED FOR MY LIFE TWICE.  The first time was when I was 25 years old, right before surgery to remove a tumor from my head. I remember being wheeled into the operating room, looking up at the fluorescent lights and wondering whether that was the last thing I’d ever see. The secondContinue reading “Turning to Face Your Immortality”

There’s Something About Marys

I’ve had two “Marys” in my life. Both aunts by marriage, both gregarious, outgoing, caring and considerate. Straight-shooters short on bullshit and long on listening. They could be lighthearted or they could be lightning, but they were always family first, family always. I lost one Mary years ago. I lost the other this week. BothContinue reading “There’s Something About Marys”

Yom Kippur is No Time to Apologize

AFTER ALL THESE YEARS OF APOLOGIZING AND ATONING FOR MY SINS ON YOM KIPPUR, I FINALLY GET IT. Apologizing is easy. Being sorry is hard. Apology requires little effort. An apology is almost always just words, and saying something is a lot easier than doing something. We like apologies because they make us feel better.Continue reading “Yom Kippur is No Time to Apologize”